This game is a
money idol exchanger clone. To play use the ‘a’ to move the probe left, ‘d’ to move the probe right, the ‘s’ arrow to take a stone and the ‘w’ arrow to drop it. Your goal is to make the stone disappear. Use the conversion table at the right. The probe can store any number of stone but all from the same kind.
This is a simple demo for the collision detection, it’s not a game! Whenever a red square hits the blue one it explodes. You can move the blue square with the a,s,d,w keys.
First tutorial Demo Play now!
This is the result of the first tutorial so keep in mind that it’s a very simple example, not a full game. It’s a shoot’em up. Use the keys ‘a’, ‘w’, ‘d’ and ‘s’ to make the spaceship move and ‘k’ to shoot. To have a playable frame rate you better use a recent browser, Safari, Chrome or Firefox whith Tracemonkey enabled.
Other people’s Demos
DerFichtl’s Pong
DerFichtl published a pong clone made with gameQuery
Orangebus’ Christmas game
Orangebus used gameQuery to make their
Christmas game. (This game is not available anymore)
Sena’s Invaders From Earth
Sena‘s first game: a very nice space defender clone.
Rob Britton’s Jarm
Rob Britton has made
Jarm, a nice gardening game where you plant things and watch them grow.
P3nyan’s Puzzle
P3nyan create this very addictive puzzle base on binary numbers.
AK’s game
Akiyama wrote this very nice game where you deplace a little witch to make her avoid falling stars.