There you can see that this method in turn update the X and Y coordinate of the enemy. For the purple enemies the following code gets executed for the Y coordinate update:
Brainy.prototype.updateY=function(playerNode){ if((this.node[0].gameQuery.posy+this.alignmentOffset)> $(playerNode)[0].gameQuery.posy){ var newpos = parseInt(this.node.css("top"))-this.speedy; this.node.css("top",""+newpos+"px"); }elseif((this.node[0].gameQuery.posy+this.alignmentOffset)< $(playerNode)[0].gameQuery.posy){ var newpos = parseInt(this.node.css("top"))+this.speedy; this.node.css("top",""+newpos+"px"); } }
There you can see why the enemy Y position align with the player position.