How to properly load a callback once an animation is done (has completly ended)
  • I have the following lines of code for a group/sprite up...

    .addSprite("spritebg5",  {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg6",  {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg7",  {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg8",  {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg9",  {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg10", {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height, posx: pg.width, callback: missionAccomplished()})

    and a function that displays a console log...

    function missionAccomplished() {
    console.log('this text should load after a couple seconds...');

    ...but what I don't understand is why does the console.log displays the text right away, right when the game starts.  Shouldn't the callback load at the end of the animation?


  • Does you animation has the $.gQ.ANIMATION_CALLBACK in its type option ?
  • I added that to my animation - now the console.log loads the text when the DOM is ready (even earlier).

    This is what I have....
    var bg = {
        ani1 : new $.gQ.Animation({imageURL: "http://dev.jquery/gamequery/mimages/bg1.png"}),
        ani2 : new $.gQ.Animation({imageURL: "http://dev.jquery/gamequery/mimages/bg2.png"}),
        ani3 : new $.gQ.Animation({imageURL: "http://dev.jquery/gamequery/mimages/bg3.png"}),
        ani4 : new $.gQ.Animation({imageURL: "http://dev.jquery/gamequery/mimages/bg4.png"}),
        ani5 : new $.gQ.Animation({imageURL: "http://dev.jquery/gamequery/mimages/bg5.png", type: $.gQ.ANIMATION_CALLBACK})

    Then I setup my group...

    .addGroup("groupbg", {width: pg.width,height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg1",  {animation: bg.ani1, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg2",  {animation: bg.ani2, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg3",  {animation: bg.ani3, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg4",  {animation: bg.ani3, width: pg.width, height: pg.height})
    .addSprite("spritebg10", {animation: bg.ani5, width: pg.width, height: pg.height, posx: pg.width, callback: missionAccomplished()})

    and finally the callback function...

    function missionAccomplished() {
    console.log('this text should load after a couple seconds, but instead it loads right away');

    I just don't know why there isn't a delay before the console log shows...

    Thanks for any advice!

  • selimselim
    Accepted Answer
    If your animation has only one frame then the callback will be called immediately. I may be wrong but I think you're confusing an animated sprite (a sprite with changing images) and animating a sprite by moving it around (which is what is done with the background in the tutorial).

    If what you want is to finish the game when the player reach a certain point defined by the fact the a given sprite is shown on screen then you should simply check it's position, corrected by the parent group position.
  • I never thought of that. Thank you for that big tip!

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