Extending Gamequery

edited April 2012 in Development
Hello Selim.

I'm trying to extend Gamequery to create a new functionality, like some dialog windows like in those older Final Fantasy Games
I tried looking up to the docs and the sound wrapper but I don't quite understand the resourcemanager function.
It seems that if I want to do this, I would have to add a sprite or a group loaded in the resource manager like the sound wrapper does...

Am I thinking the correct way?


  • edited April 2012 Accepted Answer
    The resource manager is there to pre-load resources at the moment where 'startGame()' is called. Up to now images and sounds are the only resources that are managed that way. 

    If your dialog windows needs images you can simply pre-load those you can simply create an animation  with
    new $.gameQuery.Animation()
    that point to this image. You don't need to really use this animation by adding them to a sprite.
  • Ok Selim

    When i'm done, I'll post the code if you want.
    I'm not very js skilled but I hope I can make something useful :p

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