gameQuery on Google CDN

edited March 2012 in Development
Can we have gameQueryjs on Google CDN. Should speed things up, right?


  • Accepted Answer
    That would be pretty cool but I have no idea how to do this... Is there a submission process?
  • I am looking into it.
  • Okay, I think you might want to go here and use the Page speeding up process in the services. Now they are offering this to a limited number of webmasters but maybe you can register and get it done. The other option is CloudFlare, that's free and some statistics suggest it's faster. Check that out as well. 
  • edited March 2012
    Turn out CloudFlare integration is provided by my hosting company... I will look into that and keep you posted.
  • I was thinking doing a subdomain where all the released javascript would be hosted and delivered through CouldFlare, what do you think ?
  • I think that's a good idea, anything that'll help speed up is good. I'd rather have it on CloudFlare than on Google CDN. CloudFlare is faster.
  • Ok it's set up ! In 24 hours it should be running on CloudFlare. I've wrote the site with the explanations about how to use the CDN. 

    What do you think, is it understandable ? 

    As soon as it's stable I will link it from the main website and speak about it there too.
  • Yep, it's understandable. Just to be sure though you might want to put an example code. <head></head> example :)

    Either way this will help a lot!
  • Infact if you could advise on helping the page load first and then the game, it would be good. Putting the jQuery and gameQuery imports at the end. Rather than in the head I mean.
  • Ok I will mention both possibility and link to an article explaining the difference. I was thinking what do you think ?

    Oh and I had some problems with my configuration of cloudflare so at the moment it not CDNed but it should in a couple of hours...
  • I've updated the page, what do you think ? (
  • Looks good. Cloudflare CDN is up btw. It works for me.
  • Is this cdn process still active for gameQuery 0.7?  Does it make a difference compared to calling the files locally off of our own web host?  I guess I will test and find out...


  • Yes it's still active and up to date, and have been updated to gQ 0.7 and there is now (and .min) if you want direct access to 0.7.

    Which remind me that the cdnjs hosted version is not updated ... I will try to submit the new version to them tomorrow.

    If everyone uses the CDN then chances are that a given user will have the js already cached somewhere (of course gQ is not yet used widely enough to make this situation very probable). There is an advantage over using a version hosted on the normal gQ website since the CDN hosted one will be served through a geographically close server which will minimized the access time.
  • @Blackhawx The reason why CDNs exist is too speed up your application load time on client's system as the response time of your server/webhost might not be fast for some third person. Whereas CDN allows quick delivery of the content.
  • Thanks pronoyc for the good tip!
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