Release notes
- 0.7.1:
- refactoring: added feature detection for CSS transform support.
- optimisation: sprite positioning is now done with CSS transforms if available. This is way faster most of the time.
- feature: scale() and rotate() can now be relative too.
- feature: added a importTilemaps function that load JSON file generated with Tiled.
- bugfix: fixed issue 19, callback now opperate properly for non-looping functions.
- 0.7.0:
- refactoring: the flipv() and fliph() now behave like the other transform method and return the current state if called without argument. This means that if you want to flip sprite you now NEED to pass ‘true’ as an argument.
- feature: the collision function now takes a new parameter that allows to override the position and dimension of the selected object (see the api).
- optimisation: don’t update the background position for sprites with an animation with1 or 0 frame anymore.
- feature: added the mouse tracker with position and buttons state
- bugfix: the callback is called after the last frame as been displayed
- refactoring: unified indentation (replaced tabs with 4 spaces)
- bugfix: muteSound() is now chainable
- feature: you can now use $.gQ as a shortcut for $.gameQuery
- refactoring: the CSS classes and ids are now namespace and can be accessed through properties of the $.gameQuery object
- feature: the tiles from a tilemap are now generated when needed. You can specify a buffered zone around the visible part of you tile map with the option buffer.
- refactoring: many pieces of code have been extraced and put in utility function to reduce code duplication
- refactoring: fragment are now used to speed the process of adding sprites/groups/tiles
- feature: add pause resume game
- feature: you can now specify a callback to be called when a new animation is loaded during the game (game started and not paused)
- feature: resource manager now manages new animation/sound added during a pause
- feature: function to clean scenegraph/ resources
- test: added test for collision position override
- 0.6.2:
- bugfix: fixed many issues with the activation and deactivations of tile map animations (issue #12)
- bugfix: fixed a bug where changing from a ‘ping-pong’ animation could cause animation to go backward.
- 0.6.1:
- bugfix: fixed transformation for groups (issue #11)
- bugfix: fixed mute for all sound
- 0.6.0:
- feature: added dedicated functions to move and resize objects (aaronwinborn)
- feature: added vertical and horizontal flip transform (bugnano)
- feature: added pause and resume animation (FostUK)
- feature: added ping-pong looping animations
- test: added tests for collision and the new animation type
- bugfix: instabilities with transformed in IE fixed (aaronwinborn)
- bugfix: transformation in IE9 fixed (bugnano)
- bugfix: do not set background image if imageURL is blank during setAnimation calls (FostUK)
- 0.5.0: Tile engine, faster collision and bug fixes:
- feature: implemented the disabling of collision detection pre-calculation for those who don’t need it.
- feature: added offsetx and offesty in the Animation options. This allow to target a sub-sprite in a larger image.
- feature: tiles can now be sparse: when a tile in the array has the value 0 it’s empty, now indexes starts at 1
- test: added a test sheet for animations type.
- test: added new tests for tiles, rotations… + test index
- refactoring: factored the code for rotation/zoom to reduce repeat
- refactoring: reorganized the collision so that the code is regrouped in one place + replaced the bounding box by a bounding circle (when a lot of transformations occur)
- bugfix: Fixed a minor problem using $.extend().
- bugfix: some loops on sound were buggy
- bugfix: the sounds were not loading properly
- bugfix: the css function was broken when gameQuery was linked without defining a playground
- bugfix: offset(x/y) now work correctly
- bugfix: rewritten the “hook” for the css function to be compatible with every possible usage of css()
- bugfix: make gameQuery work well with jQuery.noConflict (contributed by Franco Bugnano)
- bugfix: bugfix: rotate and scale now works for 0 value
- 0.4.0: Refactoring, sound wrapper and collision for transformed object:
- feature: Added pluggable audio back-end
- feature: added many sound functions
- feature: Collision detection now works for transformed object (except in IE)
- feature: Added geometry type (only rectangle for now) for collision
- refactoring: Changed the usage of playground()
- refactoring: moved Animation to the $.gamequery scope
- refactoring: moved animations constants to $.gamequery
- refactoring: default value of “delta” for animation is now 0 (was 32)
- refactoring: added a callback attribute to the setLoadBar function that allow action to take place given the current progression
- bugfix: Multi-Animation should now work as expected (thanks Gouaich!)
- bugfix: The callback for animation is now triggered after the last frame has been played
- bugfix: The css function was brocken when gameQuery was linked without defining a playground
- 0.3.0: transformations and multi-texture added:
- feature: multi-animations, an image can now contain more than one animation side by side. You can pass from on to another by passing an integer to the setAnimation function. (see setAnimation documentation for usage)
- feature: preliminary support for zoom and rotation using css transform. This should work with firefox 3.5, safari 3.1, chrome. A fall back using filter for IE is there. Keep in mind that for now the collision detection won’t work properly with transformed element. (see rotate() and scale() documentation for usage)
- 0.2.7: Maintenance release:
- bugfix: setAnimation can now be called without an animation to remove any animation from the sprite
- feature: better sound support (still W.i.P.)
- fix: some doc improvement
- fix: the collision() function now plays nice with the end() function
- 0.2.6: Maintenance release:
- bugfix: animation images were loading as soon as the sprite was added to the playground
- bugfix: the jQuery css() function hijacking done for collision detection remove the return of any value causing for example MAJOR issues in demo1.
- change: The position css attribute of the playground may be set to ‘relative’ by adding ‘position: relative’ to the options. By default it’s still absolute
- bugfix: Some code cleanup to make packing working again.
- change: Removed the playground black border that was left from some old debug code. The sprites don’t need to have an animation anymore.
- new feature: Added a simple way to probe the state of the keyboard: when setting the playground specify ‘keyTracker: true’ and then you can access the state of a key by reading jQuery.gameQuery.keyTracker[keyCode] from anywhere at anytime
- 0.2.5: Added collision detection
- 0.2.0: API changes:
- Added an Animation object
- Removed the removeSprite() and addAnimationToPreload() methodes
- Now the callback function can return a number instead of a boolean. In this case this number redefine the rate at which the functions is called (in milliseconds)
- 0.1.2: bugfix & cleanup:
- setTimeout() replaced by setInterval(), no more function in the global scope
- Fixed a big bug where there was no easy way to remove a sprite from the sprite list. This lead to a sort of memory leak where unused sprite where polluting the sprite list. Now the corrected way to remove a sprite is to use the removeSprite() function instead of remove().
- 0.1.1: fixed a small bug for ie7
- 0.1.0: initial release